Day 1: Saturday 17th 2024

Time Event Speaker
09.30 – 09.50AM HIV/AIDS where we were –where are we heading towards 95-95-95 Dr. Jayaraju D
Joint Director(CST)
Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS), Bangalore
09.50 – 10.30AM Elimination of TB in India… get, set , go…! Dr. Manoj K Jain
Infectious Diseases Physician & Prof. University of Tennessee, Memphis, US
10.30 – 10.40 AM Discussion
10.40 – 11.10AM Non-Communicable Diseases and Anti-Retroviral Therapy Dr. Manoharan G
CMO, G.Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital, Coimbatore
11.00 – 11.20AM Impact of ARV resistance on future treatment options Dr. N. Kumarasamy
Director, VHS-Infectious Diseases Medical Centre, Chennai
11.20 - 11.50AM Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis & Post Exposure Prophylaxis – an update Dr. Jyoti Dhar
HIV Physician & Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM), Leicester, UK
11.50 – 12.00PM Discussion
12.00 – 12.30PM Conference Ceremony
12.30 – 01.00PM Padmashri Dr. Suniti Solomon Memorial Oration Dr. Mothi S.N
Chairman /
Mr .Guru Raja KS, Secretary
Asha Kirana, Mysuru
Walking through the years of HIV/AIDS Epidemic… Dr. Ishwar S Gilada
President Emeritus, AIDS Society of India (ASI),
Unison Medicare & Research Centre, Mumbai
01.00 - 02.00PM LUNCH
02.00 – 02.30PM Oral Free Papers Dr. Dhivya M
Dr. Neha Pethad
Dr. Tarun
Dept of Clinical Pharmacy, JSS Pharmacy College, Mysuru
02.30 – 03.00PM Debate: Is India ready for Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) rollout…? Moderators:
Dr. Mothi SN
Chairman, Asha Kirana, Mysuru / NACO/KSAPS
3.00 - 3.20PM Opportunistic infection in patients who are on ART during the first one year. Dr. G D Ravindran
Prof. Medicine. St John’s Medical College, Bangalore
3.20 - 03.40PM HIV-1 drug resistance before and after DTG based regimen. Dr. Sarvanan S
Prof & Research Scientist, Savitha Institute of Medical & Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Chennai
03.40 - 04.00PM Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV & Syphilis (EVTHS) Dr. Lalitha Hande
PPTCT Consultant
Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS), Bangalore
04.00 - 04.10PM Discussion
04.10 - 4.30PM Potential Biomarkers of IRIS – In HIV-TB Co infection Prof. Dr. E. M. Shankar
Central University of Tamil Nadu, Chennai
04.30 - 04.50PM Newer Diagnostics for Opportunistic Infections in Advanced HIV disease Dr. Trupti Gilada
Infectious Diseases Physician, Unison Medicare, Mumbai
04.50 - 05.20PM CASE SCENARIOS Dr. Sudheer A P
Asha Kirana, Mysuru
07.00 PM Onwards Musical evening and dinner

Day 2: Sunday 18th, 2024

Time Event Speaker
09.00 – 09.30AM Immunotherapy for HIV/AIDS Dr. Vijayakumar Velu
09.30.-09.50AM Immunologic and virologic monitoring in HIV care in resource-limited settings Dr. P. Balakrishnan
09.50 – 10.00 AM Tribute to Late Sri Aslaji Hemchand Jain, Founder Trustee, Asha Kirana, Mysuru
10.00 - 10.30AM Overview of epidemics in India HIV, TB,COVID and beyond Padmashri Dr Raman Gangakhedkar Infectious Diseases expert & former Head Scientist ,ICMR ,Pune
10.30 – 11.00AM Promise of long acting ARV for children and adolescents Dr. Aditya H Gaur Director, Infectious Diseases, St JudeGraduates School of Biomedical Sciences, Memphis, US
11.00-11.30AM The needs of ‘transgender/gender diverse youth in India - service delivery models Dr. Lakshmi Ganapathi Investigator, Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Massachusetts, US
11.30 - 12.00PM U.K. Experience of setting up a transitional clinic Dr. Hiten Thaker Infectious Diseases Specialist, NHS, UK
12.00 – 12.20PM The concept of Undetectable = Untransmissible (U=U) Dr. Glory Alexander Director, Asha Foundation, Bangalore
12.20 – 12.40PM Children Living With AIDS transitioning to adults – stories from the ground. Dr. Vinay Kulkarni HIV Specialist, Prayas, Pune
12.40 - .1.00PM 25yrs of Asha Kirana Journey Dr. Mothi SN Chairman, Asha Kirana, Mysuru
01.00 - .1.10PM Valedictory K.S. Gururaja Trustee, Asha Kirana, Mysuru
01.10 – 02.00PM LUNCH
Conference Committee
Dr. Mothi SN Chairman
Mr. Guru Raja KS Secretary
Scientific Committee
Dr. Mothi SN
Dr. Sudheer AP
Dr. VHT Swamy
Dr. SriRam B Rao
Technical Team : Mr. Varun Gururaja, CEO, Sportiwe, Mysuru